The comments below have been randomly selected and represent a small fraction of the feedback received since the drawings were publicly available.

We are sharing these in response to the many people who find this information both interesting and helpful. For some, it provides a frame of reference; a succinct description, a relatable experience, a scientific perspective, possibilities not previously considered or perhaps to simply serve as a trigger.

Moreover, the consistent reactions and themes expressed by our hugely diverse global audience is a testament to the universality of these drawings and the deep contemplation and emotive reactions they engender in the observer.

The Artist’s reluctance to explain or discuss the drawings or the phenomenon that led to these unprecedented artworks, makes this information very relevant & important.

For all intents and purposes, these comments and insights serve as an accurate measure of how the drawings are perceived and experienced by our audience and is perhaps the best and most sincere explanation we can offer about the drawings at this time.


“Simply and Complexly Wonderful and Beautiful, a reflection of the human being who produced them and his higher power.
Makes me feel like creating some of my own, to see what is born from my mind, heart, soul and hand. Amazing art!”

— Diana C

“George, my heart and soul soared as a bird in moments upon first seeing your imagery.
I know that place where there are no words to express what comes through other than that you are a clear and beautiful channel for this into the world.
The language it imparts is so beautiful it will and does transcend “our primitive languages that sometimes limits us here in this dimension.”
I can only say, thank God that it is now and you are available. I am blessed as all who will take this into their hearts and souls. They will dance with the memory, dance with the knowing, celebrate that it has come here, here and now!
They will come to remember that they are and always have been whole “HOLY”…they just must come to remember their Divinity… The Divine is calling them to remember who they are and how much they love.
Peace now!
Namaste, Ktlyn”

— Made by: Katelyn - About: gallery | On: May 09, 2013

““These appear to be graphic representations of energy systems in the Universe…
Some portray large physical at planetary level, others at atomic level…
Also I bet ‘thought forms’ of energy are included, such as the Tulpa type reported to be created by Tibetan monks or the functional aspects of thought transfer such as remote healing, Theta healing…
Other drawings portray the energy systems within humans, meridians, auras, plus the pathways that connect us with the Universe…
Auras that surround the body contain massive quantities of information- the Akashic Record, in memory…
However, it appears to go further than that still. Energy, light, sound,frequency, patterns are everywhere described. It seems to include patterns that relate to gravity issues, the language formats, clustering of materials, and so on. A truly amazing array…
This needs very careful study to draw out the significance. The references are many and the variety huge. It needs a widely read individual or group to decode.
I see tantric formats of bonding energy systems through chakras to reach spiritual heights for enlightenment or oneness with the Universe.
This is archaeology of the future, or now ! Far more interesting than digging under ground!””

— VK- (November, 2010)

““Exquisite! Are you a STARSEED/BEING ,like Vincent Van Gogh, Beethoven, Nikola Tesla etc?”
Firkon C - ”

“When I look at these images, I feel as if the cells in my body are awakening. Upon initial viewing, I was brought to tears by their shear beauty.
I continue to revisit these images because of the sense of awakening and peace they evoke and for the sense of kinship with the universe they engender in me.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Is there a way to communicate directly with you, George?”

— Made by: Lael | About: gallery | On: Jul 03, 2012

“Sacred inspiration! or is Divine a better word? It’s definitely of a high level of consciousness that touches and speaks to the Soul deep within, beyond comprehension”

— Henriëtte Kerkhoff | October 12, 2012

“I looked at the video. Very inter-dimensional. Besides being beautiful and uplifting it looks like various forms of information from what many people call ET’s and/or consciousness that perceives energy patterns ( and underlying geometry) beyond what most humans ever.
I am working on a show or offering that explores the same questions you ask through humour stories and music, and carries the joy of who we truly are. I have gotten the inspiration that it would be good to do it at art galleries.”

— Made by: Laurie | About: gallery | Jul 16, 2013

“I AM both fascinated & humbled by the Grandeur of Your Artistic Performance{{{❍}}}
Your work contains IT ALL …. the Insights of Cosmic Sacred Geometry, Angelic Seals & Codes, Cosmic Energy Structures, Cosmic Creations Elements & Symbols much more{{{❍}}}
You are Loved & Blessed{{{❍}}”

— Carla T. R. Iacobone: September 9, 2012

“I am absolutely stunned and emotionally deeply touched by the beauty of your pictures. Your pictures remind me of Emma Kunz, a Swiss lady, who drew similar – but simpler – pictures like yours, with which she healed human beings. To me every picture of yours is a message to humanity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Be blessed.”

— Anandamayi Ma | July 8, 2011

“Fascinating drawings! They make me want to stare and get lost in the art … Even with tired eyes I find these drawings to be exceptional. All you guys go take a peek at them if you have not already!”

— Melinda B

“These speak deeply to me on a level I am not at this time able to put into words. There is great insight here that is greatly relevant to life as we know, or perhaps as we are coming to know.”

— Kelly Stockwell -July 20, 2011


I see a wheel....with an outer surface that connects to everyday events.
Then are the many spokes that transfer the thought energies to another more condensed inner wheel, its purpose is to collect energy field is thus created that has has much gravitation and power... It is the point of cross-over between form and none form.
The visually vacant central area none form energy...also a Matrix
If you follow this simple this description... then the mind maps begins again.
I find your genius most connecting.....

John M - July 22, 2020 / Reference - artwork title: Matrix 2007-2012

“These look like revived future/ancient blueprints precisely diagrammed models of DNA structures, holographic nature of realms and data banks of various species/groups … This looks like the blue cosmic ray being received by the soul as it navigates and moves through time. the image on the top right looks like an atlantean pyramid encoded with vibrancy. Above the blue light in the other corridor it looks like a raindrop is being poured from a dimensional mirror. The columns above look like volumes from the akasha of earth, so beautiful!”

— Jordan S

“To say I was more than impressed would be an understatement. I believe your drawings capture the imagination of the viewer. With no real one set meaning as to what they may represent, it leaves the conscious mind open to many alternatives, which I like. They promote the person viewing to question, which is the only way to deepen curiosity. You definitely have a gift that should be preserved.”

— Mira M

“I have been privileged to watch the development of these truly magnificent works of art over many years. I would not be so presumptuous as to say that I know the meaning of them, I can only feel in my opinion what they represent to me. There is no doubt they are from a source of higher intelligence, like the Crop Circles, and for me, they are symbols of humanity, life, consciousness.
I believe they are templates of consciousness, which become activated when perceived to enable the person/s viewing them to lift their consciousness, as in mandalas.
They show clearly all that life as we know it composed of: Sound vibrations, the world itself, molecules, energy flowing from Chakras, the cosmos and the planets etc. It is all there and is all part of the One.
They are extraordinary and a gift to mankind.”

— Viveka Draffen

“I am so touched by this drawing! i feel my soul dancing and my heart has fast palpitation! They are confirming my awakening! I feel they are Multidimensional messages!
…My soul is flying with your drawing back to ATLANTIS”

— Annette O

“NAMASTE from Nepal! …I think your drawings tries to reflect man’s relationship with the cosmic world and I think personally we are always governed by such relationship. In fact, I have seen such figures in some Hindu books related to consciousness, meditation, and also seen in Mantras.
I guess understanding the secrets of such meanings and figures utilization for human civilization could help to make our planets much happier.”

— Sachin U

“I feel speechless with joy, seeing your paintings. I will look at them more often, as they truly deserve it. They remind me of sacred yantras from the Indian palm leaf books. My Guru Swami Kaleshwar showed us some of them, a while ago and we also have been drawing some of them. Will you explain the deeper meaning of your drawings at a later date? I feel sure, many many people would feel interested in them. Anyway, I feel happy to meet you and i wish you a blessed divine life full of true joy, may your soul reach its destiny.”

— Jia-Egypt M

“I love your work! It is almost alien in its detail and expression. I feel like I am glimpsing at a quantum pictograph! ”

— Heather Burke-Huyghue -November 9, 2011

“Swift Astounding. All of them. We’ve seen these throughout our lives but they seem more understandable now to the many.”

— Aileen Norton -October 28, 2011

“My goodness….this is absolutely beautiful. In every piece, there is a message. The DNA coding being delivered through these drawings are amazing and the symbols resonate through all the chakras.
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pictures. Not enough stars to choose from for the rating!”

— Emerald

“To me this looks like the figure is walking out of a circular tunnel and walking into an angular projection from within, symbolic of walking away from the past and creating a new future…you see it…?
…The joining together of the left and right brain once the third eye is realised.”

— Richard S

““GEORGE, maybe your art is everyday common to you…but is most outstanding and extraordinary … I am deeply moved by your artwork and love sacred geometry and Fibonacci, none of my girlfriends understand any of my interests in quantum physics and beyond…so I am so grateful to you and your food for my soul and spirit…”

— Mimi –

““…this drawing seems to position our Galaxy at the solar plexus region of The Great Cosmic Man…as depicted by Manly P. Hall [see The Secret Teachings of All Ages.] There also seems to be many other Worlds no longer in existence {or in view} perhaps indicative of an Ancient Star-map…following the Celestial mandate of “As Above ~ So Below” AND that “Outer Space is a reflection of Inner Space.”
Fatima S”

“Dear Enigmatic Drawings
I have received Metallic Print of your art a few days ago.
I’m very happy and pleased about my purchase.
To me the drawing is Holy because I’d like to think that it represents the Blue-print of a human template by our God the Creator.
Danuta Dyndor - March 18, 2012

““I AM deeply touched by your work… and will love dissecting such creations. There are DEEP messages there…. Sacred Geometry is just ONE type of messaging !
Thank you for sharing your knowledge… I must go now, but will be in touch soon… I left you some comments in regards to your work. My heart is palpitating rapidly just seeing the flashes of your work in my mind… IRE-cognize…..”
Yami L

““My point of view.
We see in your work, my wife and I, a lot of paths of energies from many sources… telluric, celestial and from shacras. You are really gifted by a divine inspiration for sure and these drawings talk to our inner self with strong echoes!”
René G –”

““GEORGE, maybe to you this your art is everyday common to you…but is most outstanding and extraordinary … I am deeply moved by your artwork and love sacred geometry and Fibonacci, none of my girlfriends understand any of my interests in quantum physics and beyond…so I am so grateful to you and your food for my soul and spirit…”
Mimi –”

“you see and portray the entire universe, in intricate detail.. our place in it and many connections to the all.. lol, scholars will spend “time” deciphering these…
Kelly Stockwell - July 20, 2011”

“biology classrooms should be covered in this stuff to give kids that feeling of magical awe that comes with getting a glimpse of an alien language and a world bristling with strange creatures slowly written into being and expressed, each communicating the story of its struggles with the environment through its very form–and consider that we are one of these strange creatures! What kid wouldn’t want to learn about that? What kid wouldn’t be curious? It’s just as magical and strange as Harry Potter, even moreso, if only we would see it that way. If only we would frame it in the fantastical enigmatic way that these drawings do!”
Eva Petakovic - March 5, 2012”

““I have Never seen such an Amazing group of drawings. Thank you for touching my heart and making my heart smile!”
Susan R ”

““Wow! This is some very powerful and intense stuff. Some of these I can really relate to from a shamanic experience I had a while ago. Nice work!”
Shawn B”

““Love your work…so multidimensional (multidimensional designer) speaking in all languages.”
Doreen R ”

““Absolutely AMAZING! From the bottom of my heart…you are truly gifted.”
Ambrosia R ”

“These are amazing, George i think you are amazing too, love and many blessings
Dawn Oceana - July 10, 2011”

“Symmetrical alignments, like Fibonacci. Everything is universally coincided with each. BALANCED MEASURE . Night, Day. Man ,woman.
Lana Brown - August 23, 2012”

“truly amazing – the mathematical art – its like a map of the universal structure of being assistance – one love
Anoin Ted O - September 28, 2011”

“I adore Gustav Klimpt, and this so reminds me of his colours in his work, with the yellow golds. beautiful
Cherubrie A - February 15, 2012 ”

“The course of Cosmic Creation from the Micro, One Cell Cosmic Energy to the Macro Cosmos Multidimensionality, where Cosmic Energy becomes Matter❣{{{❍}}}❣=❣{{{Namaste}}}❣
Carla T. R. Iacobone - November 8, 2012”

“When looking at your art, I felt pressure points in my head – have no idea what it means – hopefully is the super genius switch turning on
Bec James - November 9, 2011”

““Stunning! I feel as though I have walked through the Star Gate and am reading a language from another time and place.”
Nicole A -”

““Direct communion with the divine, an awakened soul.”
Shambala K -”

“I lovvvvvveee this mans workkkk!! Look at the rest of does not disappoint!!
Michele S- June 18, 2012 ”

““Now this is what I call multidimensional art”
Katie G -”

““Graceful Evolution. Someone understands dimensions of consciousness, beautiful!”
Angeleka S -”

““Words are too pale to express their depth, beauty and internal reaction.”
Tina F -”

““I am so touched by this drawing! i feel my soul dancing and my heart has fast palpitation! They are confirming my awakening! I feel they are Multidimensional messages!
…My soul is flying with your drawing back to ATLANTIS”
Annette O -”

““You seriously just make me cry, I am so moved by your creations! THANK YOU SO MUCH”
Sandra L -”

““This drawing is so layered… I have the impression of the wheels of Ezekiel… Sacred texts covered by what appears to be a symbol for understanding the text on several dimensions…
Then I’m seeing what appears to be DNA charts on the right side… gosh… with more symbolism… blown away here…”
Shambala K -”

““These look like revived future/ancient blueprints precisely diagrammed models of DNA structures, holographic nature of realms and data banks of various species/groups … This looks like the blue cosmic ray being received by the soul as it navigates and moves through time. the image on the top right looks like an Atlantean pyramid encoded with vibrancy. Above the blue-light in the other corridor it looks like a raindrop is being poured from a dimensional mirror. The columns above look like volumes from the akasha of earth, so beautiful!”
Jordan S -”

“I’m so glad I’ve found your work! I think -but it’s just my thought- they don’t need words, they touch deeply our Akashic records.”
Gabriela P -”

““Wow! Those drawings evoke infinite possibilities! The whole universe revealing itself through our human vehicle. Beautiful, complex and truly inspiring!
Karine B -”

““Different Depths Of Light as It is Refracted through a Higher Vibrational Pattern, Everything Vibrates at Different Frequencies, Thus, a Rhythmic pattern, Know as Formation Of Life Within the Formation of This Beautiful Artwork, The man, is drawing Or mapping out Existence on all Levels, He’s a Genius…
Not only is DNA, It Is Everything Within Existence. It’s also a Calendar.”
James W -”

““I Look forward to attending your lecture ~ there is so much here ~ I’m wondering if information is still being revealed to you when you look at them.”
Alænura A -”

““…to say I was more than impressed would be an understatement. I believe your drawings capture the imagination of the viewer. With no real one set meaning as to what they may represent, it leaves the conscious mind open to many alternatives, which I like. They promote the person viewing to question, which is the only way to deepen curiosity. You definitely have a gift that should be preserved.”
Mira M -”

““I get a strong Ancient feel here, from a culture that was not of this planet. A culture that has great wisdom. This culture has shared on earth before when there were eyes to see and ears to hear. I do believe this is the time to revisit this information. I am indeed blessed to have seen these images.”
Guest -”

““I feel these enigmatic drawings are a holographic insert of Akashic studies of the future NOW. They are activators from the viewers Akashic records for universal understanding and enlightenment, healing and visioning.
A kind of periodic table of records for deep activation of memory of our divinity.”
Guest -”

““Hello. These works seem to remind me of how 3 dimensional reality is created… I just wanted to encourage the channel who creates these drawings to let it shine through in every way possible.
We all evolve together. Love it, relax with it and have fun with it…”
Brenda T –”

““Stunning, my heart is smiling, and racing a little too. Wow I just wish to absorb these, don’t really know how else to express my delight!
Still ‘buzzing’ from these stunning drawings. Layer upon layer upon layer being absorbed. Absolutely loving them. Thank you”
Rachael O –”

““First time to see this work. I was in tears as I fell into each piece and felt from the inside so much. I have no idea what I am looking at or why I am in tears. Spectacular is an understatement.”
Rebecca -”

““My goodness….this is absolutely beautiful. In every piece there is a message. The DNA coding being delivered through these drawings are amazing and the symbols resonate through all the chakras.
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pictures. Not enough stars to choose from for the rating!”
Emerald –”

““Your work is deeply moving, George. As part of my journey, I receive (as many of us do) ‘downloads’ – letters, words and numbers, unfamiliar symbols and geometric configurations – the meaning of which eludes me.
I have not been able to capture on paper what I see during these downloads because of the complexity…perhaps that’s what makes your work so special, Enigmatic and exquisite.”
Debra H –”

““You have one of the most amazing abilities I have seen to translate images from the Creative Void.”
Anastacia T –”

““I have been very fortunate to have the gift of watching this art work unfold over a period of 10 years.
I was totally inspired by the original works, they are so unique and offered a complexity and energy that triggered a new sense of awareness within.
As the years went by I was continually amazed that this complexity of form, which was explored to an even greater depth, that literally drew me into its matrix.
There is an immediate ‘intuitive’ response to this complex visionary work that is totally mind expanding.
Each time I view the art I perceive another aspect of reality which is exhilarating and seems to touch a deep chord within.
This art work is for me intricate, awesome and illuminating. A new way to perceive our unseen world.”
Mary Rodwell –”

““The drawing that drew me you called…the first series…but upon looking at more, they all talk to me in a way.
The energy behind the flesh, the sacredness, the perfectness that we were created in…each of us adding our own unique touch to this thing we call creation.”
Sherry P -”

““George: Cartographer for the UNIVERSE.”
Deva D –”

““Stunning… I keep returning to gaze upon, and be hypnotised by these amazing creations… you have a very special talent…”
P T Shaman -”

““Your work is so mind blowing! There is nothing else like it. It’s Stunning!”
Danny R –”

““Your drawings are astonishing in their complexity and depth. They appear to be channeling the Universe itself.
My first impression was that they represent almost a coda, a blueprint for the galaxies, and all those who dwell here.
Absolutely incredible and totally beautiful!
Leslie S -”

““Simply and Complexly Wonderful and Beautiful, a reflection of the human being who produced them and his higher power.
Makes me feel like creating some of my own, to see what is born from my mind, heart, soul and hand. Amazing art!”
Diana C –”

““You seriously just make me cry, i am so moved by your creations! THANK YOU SO MUCH””

— Sandra L –

““This drawing is so layered... I have the impression of
the wheels of Ezekiel... Sacred texts covered by what appears to be a symbol for understanding the text on several dimensions...Then I’m seeing what appears to be DNA charts on the right side... gosh... with more symbolism... blown away here...””

— Shambala K –